The Writer’s Space

To authentically write we need to know who we are. But the world is busy and full of distractions that keep us away from spending quiet, reflective time with ourselves. If you want to write but can’t find the time or motivation to do so, The Writer’s Space is here to help.

Anna’s background in yoga and meditation gave me an assurance that my work would be read and digested with an understanding and appreciation born from direct, felt experience. I highly recommend working with Anna, and can’t imagine a better mentor or guide to the writing process!’

Mimi Kuo-Deemer

The programme

Sessions and practices to create space for ideas

Where you might be finding yourself:

  • You are a writer and want nothing more than to write

  • You do not have an idea

  • If you do have an idea, or have started – or even completed – a project, you are open to exploring it afresh

  • Maybe you have many ideas, but haven’t been able to take any of them forwards

  • Whatever your stage of writing, you’d like to find strategies to help quieten down and tap into what’s already there

What the programme offers:

  • The Writer’s Space offers a unique blend of the services I’ve been offering for years – one-to-one mentorship and editorial feedback – with a new self-guided toolkit approach

  • Over the course of 12 weeks you’ll receive fortnightly PDFs with simple but powerful practices from yin yoga, writing and walking to help quieten down, listen more deeply and open up to ideas

  • Weeks 1 to 4 work on idea generation, at the end of which you will send me a completed ideas sheet and two sample pages of writing which we will discuss on an hour-long Zoom call

  • Weeks 5 to 12 focus on writing, at the end of which you will send me 10,000 words of prose and/or ideas which we will discuss on a 90-minute Zoom call

  • Note that you don’t need to narrow in on one idea for the programme; the emphasis is much more on opening up

The toolkit approach:

  • This blended programme is based on the observation that, while editorial help is undeniably helpful for writers, it can only get you so far – determination, practice and listening deeply are also key

  • Benefits of the self-guided approach include: developing patience; clearer seeing; improved concentration; rekindled curiosity; development of habits; reinforcement of the power of the small; time away from the screen; and a better understanding of self

  • All of the practices involve a mindful type of movement that take us on a journey of some kind; this helps create space in the body and mind, where ideas can take root

  • They are also deceptively simple, working for any type of body and creative pursuit; you don’t need special equipment, previous knowledge or even a lot of time

  • The idea by the end of the programme is that you’ll have tried out a variety of practices which you can go on to use in your own way for years to come


  • Coming soon – please get in touch to be put on the waitlist

‘I’m not sure I’d have kept at it so long had I not had Anna’s words to keep me going. I hope she never underestimates the impact she has on her clients.

Rachel Stone