‘I cannot recommend the brilliant Writer’s Space editorial services highly enough! I recently asked Anna for an editorial read of my new book and her notes were incredibly thorough, incisive and prompt and complemented the edit I’d had from my brilliant editorial team wonderfully. Whether you’re a seasoned writer and would like a read alongside or in advance of your publisher’s editorial notes, or are writing your first book and are considering a pre-submission edit, I highly recommend booking her services. She’s a magician!’

Lucy Foley, #1 Sunday Times + New York Times bestselling author


‘Anna has been working with me as a literary editor for ten years since I started the Madeleine Milburn Literary, TV & Film Agency in 2012, and has helped me find and secure internationally renowned literary talent. Anna has worked extensively editorially on all our major bestselling authors including Sunday Times and New York Times bestsellers Gail Honeyman’s Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Fiona Barton’s The Widow, Emma Stonex’s The Lamplighters, and Elizabeth Macneal’s The Doll Factory.

‘Anna has an impeccable eye for detail and unparalleled editorial skills. She is driven and reliable, and her insightful and intelligent feedback has helped many of our authors shape their work into manuscripts that have gone on to sell to publishers all over the world at auction and are translated into over forty languages. There are very few people in the industry who have Anna’s skill, loyalty and drive. She is an ambassador for the agency, and I am excited to continue our long-lasting and fruitful working relationship.’

— Madeleine Milburn, Director, Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency


‘Anna’s feedback is always perfectly shaped for the project (and person) at hand. I have gone to her with seedlings of ideas, rough manuscripts, and almost completed books, and at every stage her feedback has always been really helpful, really workable and really tailored. With Anna, you don’t get any wasted words.

‘Her feedback is also always very considered. She has been giving editorial feedback for years – working with really impressive authors, agents and editors – so she really knows what she is talking about. I always feel in such safe hands when I read through her suggestions, and she never suggests ideas without (good) reason. She also reads widely, so she is able to pull from a very broad base of knowledge. However, yet again, none of her suggestions ever sway from being relevant to the particular book she is working on. She always seems to understand the nuances of different works, and never forces a book to be something that it isn’t. (Although she always helps to make the book the best version of itself that it can be.)

‘However, in addition to feeding into the quality of the feedback, Anna’s experience also means that she can both understand and appreciate the reactive, quicker behaviours within publishing – for example the hype for particular genres – alongside the always important but often forgotten skill of having perspective. It means whilst she is always aware of the short term pressures, she isn’t overly swayed by them. Publishing is fickle, and trends come and go. As a writer, I have found it incredibly helpful and reassuring to be able to rely on Anna to give me evergreen advice, and to be a calm, solid and levelling support.

‘Finally, you can really tell that Anna cares about the feedback she gives. She knows that receiving feedback can be very difficult – writers are a sensitive bunch – but more importantly than that, she can always see the potential in a book and a writer, and you can tell just by reading her feedback that she genuinely wants each person she works with, and each book she works on, to succeed.’

— Holly McCulloch, Just Friends and The Mix-Up


‘Anna is a talented and reliable editor, well known throughout the industry as one of the best in the business. Her editorial work is always sensitive, thoughtful and commercially minded. She understands that the author and the story they want to tell is at the heart of an editor’s role and is skilled at approaching her work in a way that achieves the required results and truly brings out the best in the author’s work.

‘Anna is incredibly knowledgeable about the publishing market and knows what readers want. Her work is always geared towards marketability and ensuring a novel is the best it can possibly be. I feel very lucky to have worked with Anna in the past and know that these projects have been vastly improved by her editorial input. Anna is always the first person I have in mind when I am looking for an editor and I am looking forward to working with her on future projects.’

— Cicely Aspinall, Senior Commissioning Editor, HQ, a division of HarperCollinsPublishers


‘I could not recommend Anna’s submission-review service more highly! I reached out to Anna as a debut author without representation or any experience with the publishing industry. She was such a pleasure to speak with, and guided me through the process with insightful input that bolstered my submission. She was so full of enthusiasm that I instantly felt supported (which is so important when writing is such a solitary experience!). In addition to providing comments on the text of my submission, Anna gave me commercial advice which drew on her own plethora of experience. Without Anna’s encouragement to take the plunge, I might not have ever had the confidence to submit my novel to agents and she has undoubtedly shaped my journey: within one month of speaking to Anna and implementing her feedback, I received multiple offers of representation. Anna was a true joy to work with and I look forward to working with her again in the future.’

— Ela Lee, Jaded


‘Working with Anna was a joy from start to finish. She was my first agent at Madeleine Milburn, and steered me gently yet confidently through the immense process of authoring two books in one year! She thinks playfully and creatively but also has an infectious enthusiasm, which always made me look forward to our meetings. Anna’s feedback on my submissions and early drafts were also the perfect balance of encouraging and insightful; I always felt that she respected my voice as an author while importantly orientating me towards growing and maturing the ways I conveyed my ideas. Her background in yoga and meditation also gave me an assurance that my work would be read and digested with an understanding and appreciation born from direct, felt experience. I highly recommend working with Anna, and can’t imagine a better mentor or guide to the writing process!’

Mimi Kuo-Deemer, Xiu Yang and Qigong and the Tai Chi Axis


‘After completing the mentorship program, I can wholeheartedly say that it exceeded all my expectations and more. Anna is exceptional—I can't recommend her highly enough! She is honest, professional, and possesses an incredible understanding of both the industry and the craft. Every session was packed with practical advice, leaving me brimming with confidence and fresh insights. I can’t believe how much my manuscript has improved, all thanks to her brilliant feedback and invaluable guidance. Anna is truly a dream mentor who genuinely cares about my story and success. I am deeply grateful for her help.’

— Liselotte Doorduijn, writer


‘As a debut author, the publishing industry can be really intimidating and Anna held my hand through it all. She has such a detailed eye when it comes to editing and her understanding of the industry helped to position my first book so that it could get a book deal. Anna has also helped me edit a number of proposals and manuscripts since in order to prepare them for submission and her fresh perspective has allowed me to clarify my message and to get it as succinct as possible to give it the best chance. Her feedback is always so informative and delivered in such a kind and compassionate way that it empowers you and motivates you to keep writing! I couldn't recommend working with Anna more.’

Michelle Elman, award-winning body-positive activist and author


Anna has been a pivotal help in developing my submission package, understanding the issues I was having with my pitch and how to position my work.  She is responsive, kind but very practical in her advice and I felt absolutely confident in her ability to unpick the issues at the heart of my book's opening. Her wealth of experience as a literary agent means she knows exactly what the industry is looking for and the edits and amendments that are necessary to raise the bar. I am sure her positive approach and support helped me in securing a long-listing for the 2021 Bath Novel Award and winning the 2021 First Novel Prize.’

— Alison Fogg, writer


‘I absolutely loved working with Anna. Her industry expertise is second to none and her edits are invigorating and incisive. She has endless suggestions for plot and character development that took my book to a whole new level, and most of all she gave me the confidence and self-belief to make it as good as it could be. Having signed with my new agent after working together, I owe Anna a huge thank you for her early support, expertise and encouragement. I will most certainly recommend her far and wide, and I would work with her again in a heartbeat.’

Katie Marsh, bestselling author


‘Anna is such a pleasure to work with – she writes thoughtful, detailed, extremely accessible editorial notes that immediately get to the heart of a book, and she simply seems to “get” whatever the author’s intentions are and to instinctively understand how to work with them in a really productive, collaborative way to make the work the best it can be. Having worked with Anna in the publishing industry for years, I also know that she has tremendous business acumen, a keen sense of the market and what agents are looking for, and an eye for a winning project. She’s one of my favourite people to work with and I’d recommend her wholeheartedly to anyone looking for a talented editor!’

— Emily Kitchin, Editorial Director, HQ, a division of HarperCollinsPublishers


‘I can’t tell you how many times I revisited my notes from my call with Anna, or replayed some of the things she said whenever I came close to giving up. Anna has an exceptional ability to hone in on what’s happening behind the pages and quickly uncover the heart of a book. I was struggling terribly with my opening and blurb in particular, and she pinpointed everything I was trying (and failing repeatedly) to do with seemingly astonishing ease.  

‘On top of all that, Anna was one of so few who really seemed to “get” what I was trying to do, and she told me I had done it (albeit still needing several adjustments), and that I was a good writer with good ideas who should keep going – that sort of positivity and encouragement when plodding through the query trenches (on top of her concrete, extremely helpful advice for next steps) meant everything!

‘I’m not sure I’d have kept at it so long had I not had Anna’s words to keep me going. I hope she never underestimates the impact she has on her clients.

Rachel Stone, The Blue Iris


‘I loved reading The Paris Apartment, even more so since Lucy Foley, in her acknowledgements, recommended Anna’s editorial brilliance. Although published a few times by the likes of Pan MacMillan India, I felt I needed a great deal of help with my writing. Anna has been absolutely outstanding. Her feedback was encouraging, warm and inspiring and her points absolutely spot on. Even when Anna noticed considerable issues with my plot, she was able to communicate this in such a gentle, positive way. I am more excited than ever to get back to my manuscript and whatever happens to it, I know it will be at least 79% better thanks to Anna. The service was prompt and incredible value for money. I can’t recommend it highly enough and I doubt I will write anything again without trying to engage Anna’s editorial services. As important as anything else, in this day and age, Anna is such a nice person and a delight to work with.’

Chhimi Tenduf-La, author


‘The best thing about Anna is the clarity of her vision. She also has a deep understanding of the market so that after reading my manuscript she came back with such an accurate assessment it helped me understand my own work better. Her suggestions were spot on, small changes that made a huge difference and elevated my manuscript to a much better novel. Having worked with many, many developmental editors, I can absolutely say Anna was the best I used. A huge, heartfelt thank you.’

Rose Amberly, Dream Catcher Wanted and The Secret House of Honey and Hope


‘Over the last 30 years, I have written (and occasionally illustrated) more than 200 books for every age – from baby board books to my current adult crime series, The Mindful Detective. My books have been translated into 30 languages and won many awards. I say this not to brag, but to demonstrate that I know a good editor when I find one. Anna is, in the words of Tina Turner, simply the best! Not only does she possess a razor-sharp intellect, but also an intuitive feel for language which comes only from being a talented writer herself. Time and again she highlights structural issues which might otherwise elude even the most experienced author. But what I like best about working with Anna is that she is able to convey these suggestions in the kindest and most sympathetic way, so that the author is energised to push onwards, rather than depleted and demotivated, which can be the effect of working with less empathetic editors. Diligent, insightful, and encouraging – you won’t find a better editor than Anna.’

Laurence Anholt, Art of Death and Festival of Death


‘Anna is a marvel. When we first met, I had written myself into a corner and had half a novel on paper, which was proving impossible to finish. In just five sessions, over the course of four months, I now have a complete draft of my debut novel and a strong submission to send to agents. The process has been highly motivating. Her approach is gentle, affirming and collaborative, which has truly helped me to finish my project and has given me the confidence to believe that I can write another one. I look forward to working with Anna again and would recommend her to any writers or aspiring writers.’

– Nicky Sargent, mentee


‘Anna’s notes are insightful, commercially minded, and delivered with solution-focussed suggestions that always play to my strengths. She’s amazing at picking out plot points and themes I haven’t even considered, elevating my work whilst keeping its integrity. Her notes are sharp and detailed, complementing my publisher and agent feedback, and I do not hesitate to say that any author, published or unpublished, should leap at the chance to collaborate with her. I’ll be sending my next book to her, too!’

Laura Jane Williams, Lovestruck and One Night With You


‘I worked with Anna in an editorial capacity in 2020-21 and found the experience to be overwhelmingly positive. After writing several novels over the years and receiving positive feedback on my writing but lukewarm feedback on my plotting, I decided to get an editorial assessment for my latest book. Anna was not only extremely professional - reading my work and returning her notes exactly when she said she would – but also warm and insightful, and really understood what I was trying to do with the novel. The feedback she gave me was positive and encouraging, with strong and clear suggestions as to how I could improve the book.

‘After several sessions and a subsequent revision to the manuscript, the book then went on to be longlisted in two international competitions, something which would never have happened without the advice and guidance from Anna. We then went on to do some mentoring sessions about my next book, and again, Anna was supportive and positive, but practical too, discussing each idea and the merits and possible outcomes for each, helping me decide which idea I should be working on and why. Her industry insights are incredibly valuable in the planning stages and her editorial advice is exceptionally high standard.

‘I’m hoping we can work together again soon to edit the draft of my new manuscript to the same high standard.’

— N L Whyte, mentee


‘An aspiring debut author who wanted honest and critical feedback on a manuscript, I reached out to Anna for an editorial assessment. It was on so many levels, a beautiful event – she understood me, she understood my needs, and then guided me accordingly. It was as though Anna had – through my writing – tapped into my imprinted soul, feeling into those imprints to inform her intuitive guidance and pragmatic advice. So much so, on receipt of her assessment, I felt energised as I went about refining my manuscript. And as I did so, it felt to me like she was always on the side-lines cheering me on. Should I again need advice, guidance or feedback, I would without a doubt reach out to Anna. I am thankful for her role in my creation.’

— Raveen Kulenthran, Rolfer, yogi and writer, Tiny Instruments


‘Anna was one of the first readers of my murder mystery, The Hunting Party. She provided fantastic editorial insight and suggestions as to plotting and character development and her work on the book helped me hugely towards shaping that early draft into the finished novel it became. The Hunting Party was a big change of direction for me in terms of genre (I’d previously been writing historical novels) and Anna’s input gave me a wonderful boost of confidence in what I’d written, which really helped provide the drive required to edit the book and then the courage to submit it!’

Lucy Foley, The Hunting Party


‘Anna has three qualities that make her my go-to choice when wanting editorial feedback on my writing. 1) She has industry experience in all relevant areas: she has been an agent at a top agency, an editor with major publishers and she is herself an author, signed to an agent. 2) She has a mind that thinks beyond my own, which resulted in opening up my plot and characters so they went from being interesting to readers to being compelling for readers. 3) She filled me with confidence that I was contributing something worthwhile to the world because she said so and she is genuine. All in all, Anna gives me feedback that steers the work in an optimal direction for creative fulfilment, commercial application and mind-altering storytelling. I heartily recommend her as a counsel of wisdom, care and utmost professionalism.’

— C J Patterson, writer


‘I thought the life of a working actor was tough enough but then I tried writing a novel! Anything but easy is how I’d describe the experience, but at times it just poured out of me and I could do nothing but hang on and enjoy the ride. But then came the next phase that I’d never even contemplated – getting the whole thing ready to present to prospective publishers. This, as I discovered, is where the real work starts. I got lucky and was directed to Anna at The Writer’s Space. With a wonderful combination of encouragement, creative comments and suggestions together with good-natured old-fashioned nagging I’m back enjoying the whole experience. I’m gradually turning my book into something I can already see as being much, much better than the one I’d initially produced and in the process I’m learning about what writing really has to be. With great thanks!’

Larry Lamb, actor, radio presenter and writer


‘The publishing industry can seem so untouchable and intimidating but signing with Anna as my literary agent, who subsequently worked with me on securing my first book deal, was the opposite of what I imagined it to be, in the best possible way! She was so warm and friendly and encouraging! I can’t tell you what a relief it was to have someone who was just as excited about the project as myself and wanted the best for my book. Writing is such a solitary experience but when I was working with Anna I finally had someone in my corner fighting with as much passion and excitement as I was! She has been so incredible guiding me every step of this daunting experience and I am so grateful to have had her expertise on everything from sample chapters and the pitch itself to navigating signing a book deal. It meant so much to have someone to work with whom I felt completely at ease and relaxed with.’

Hayley Nolan, Anne Boleyn: 500 Years of Lies


‘Honestly, a debut author cannot be more fortunate than meeting Anna on the literary path. We writers are very sensitive to our works and are not always ready to change something in our manuscripts. But Anna guided me so gently and wisely that her ideas became mine and now I am amazed that I didn’t get there before, on my own. Anna sees the very essence of the book and its author, and, like a zen master, leads you on the path that brings you to success. She is a true coach in the literary world. No words are enough to express my gratitude to Anna. But now I know for sure that everything will be fine. And it was Anna who gave me this confidence.’

— Olga Drabkin, writer, poet and yoga teacher


‘Anna provides exceptional editorial guidance and publishing insight. Her comments are first class and are most importantly highly commercial. She has a keen eye for what works and what does not, whilst artfully maintaining a perfect balance between constructive criticism and editorial encouragement. If you want to succeed in a fiercely competitive marketplace, having Anna on your side will undoubtedly improve your odds of producing a publishable and successful book.’

— Edward Cohen, writer


‘I’ve worked with Anna over the past couple of years as I attempt to write my first novel. She always provides thoughtful, detailed and encouraging criticism that has really helped with my writing. As well as helping me to plan and plot my chapters, she also encourages me to consider the themes I’m trying to convey, which helps with the work as a whole. The area where she’s helped me the most, however, has been with character: Anna understands intuitively what my characters are thinking and feeling even when they’re not fully developed. She encourages me to ask questions of them and to communicate their smallest gestures, habits and ticks as well as their thoughts and dialogue to make them as lifelike as possible. Anna is a talented and extremely professional editor. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her services to anyone attempting to write a novel.’

— Anna Tyzack, journalist and debut author, The Starter Home


‘Anna is a pleasure to work with. Having someone with a keen awareness of the commercial landscape champion my novel during the tricky editing stage was invaluable. She balances praise and encouragement with sharp observations and well-considered suggestions for improvement. And all this with insight based on extensive industry experience from both a publishing and writing perspective – and with unstinting enthusiasm. I’m so glad to have found Anna and cannot recommend her services enough.’

— Andrea Darby, writer


‘I hired Anna as an independent editor on my memoir and the work she did on it was crucial in my ability to move forward. It was amazing to witness her ability to hold someone's story while at the same time improving it. As this was my first attempt at writing a book, and given its sensitive nature, I was quite nervous to invite in professional critique, but the way in which Anna suggests change is both clear and kind. She has a powerful way of making one feel safe, which is an incredible gift for anyone to have, though I think most especially in her line of work. It has been an absolute joy to work with her and I cannot recommend her services highly enough.’

— Kelsey Dunn, writer


‘Anna’s feedback was spot on. It was exactly what I needed at this stage, so that I could move forward with my next draft with confidence. Her expertise and fresh eyes meant that there was no guesswork and I knew what structural edits were needed. What's amazing, apart from the clarity of her feedback and her very sharp eye, is that she also provided solutions, and they were very good! Anna is also just a lovely person to work with. Her communication is excellent.’ 

Haleh Agar, novelist, short-story writer and essayist


‘I feel so lucky to have found an editor who is so insightful and provides helpful suggestions to make my manuscript better. The moment I read the notes from the editorial assessment, I knew that as long as I addressed all Anna's points about plot, structure and characterisation, I would have a manuscript fit for submission. On top of all that, she delivered her feedback with kindness, which makes it so much easier to accept negative, though honest and necessary, comments. Anna was punctual and delivered on schedule. If for whatever reason, I do not find an agent or a publisher, I will at least know that my manuscript will be the best that it can be, all thanks to Anna.’

— Mahita Geekie, writer


‘Anna helped me to shape my first novel and has been helping me with my second. Her notes have been consistently incisive, thoughtful and transformative, immediately getting the genre, tone and ambitions of both stories and giving notes without once intruding on or imposing her own vision. She delivers the notes with great care, warmth and charm and I have found them – and her – extremely helpful. She is lovely to work with, efficient, and kind. I very highly recommend working with her.

— Eleanor Greene, TV Producer and writer


‘I truly can't recommend Anna highly enough. Without her I would never have finished my novel. Her edits and insights are invaluable – she understood exactly what my novel needed, and offered ideas and suggestions that really gave my story the clarity it required. She is also wonderfully enthusiastic and supportive, and she has made the process of finishing this draft much more enjoyable! I've worked with a lot of editors in my years as a publishing professional, and she is without doubt one of the very best.’

Joanne Gledhill, writer, book editor and yoga teacher


‘Anna was recommended to me by literary agent Madeleine Milburn to help tighten the concept of my book Let's Talk About Cats. Having little experience of editors, I was slightly apprehensive going into the process. However, I needn't have worried. Anna put me at ease straight away. She was friendly and welcoming plus showed genuine excitement and interest in working with me to get my book in the best possible shape. I was extremely happy with the result and I now have a book that is totally marketable and makes far more sense than the original concept. I would have no hesitation recommending Anna to anyone looking to fine tune their book into the best it can be. You would be hard pushed to find anyone better.’

Anita Kelsey, Let's Talk About Cats


‘Working with Anna was just joy! With such a positive, can-do approach and endless encouragement she made me feel I could reach great heights. She really nurtured my creativity. Couple that with impeccable editing skills, a really approachable nature and an amazing insight into my book, I felt in really safe hands.’

— Cesca Major, The Silent Hours


Anna is not only an exceptionally talented editor, but a wonderful mentor who has unquestionably shaped me as a writer. I can't thank Anna enough for her exquisitely formed insight and detailed direction. She is a star. Any writer would be so lucky to receive the benefit of her wisdom – I could not have finished my book without her.’

— Kate Dobinson, journalist and writer


‘Anna is a joy to work with – she’s a sensitive reader and an insightful editor who brings masses of industry experience to the table. I have no hesitation in recommending her.’

Katherine May, bestselling author, Wintering


‘It was an absolute pleasure to work with Anna on my first novel. Her editorial notes were insightful, detailed, and creative. She has a brilliant understanding of structure and was able to suggest specific changes that deepened the story. I highly recommend Anna’s editorial services and cannot thank her enough!"

— Lauren H Brown, Society of Lies


‘Make no mistake. As a first-time writer with the wind at my back, I was convinced my early manuscript was solid gold. Thankfully, one of the smartest decisions I made was taking the time to find the right developmental editor. Anna forensically dissected my mental-health memoir, expertly honing in on the lack of theme and often confusing narrative. It was the greatest gift and lesson I could have received both for this book and every one I hope to write in future. When I receive feedback telling me how much my book has helped others with depression and anxiety, I am reminded that it wouldn’t have been possible without Anna’s expert guidance.’

— Jamie Hyland, The Middle: Losing, Finding, Healing and Loving My Beautiful, Broken, Creative Self


‘Anna is one of the best professionals I've ever worked with. She's given me excellent advice, and I now feel that my query letter and synopsis are in the best shape possible and might really give me a chance at having my book published. I will always choose her for my next projects.’

— Diego Tronca, writer


‘Anna’s help has been indispensable in my work as an author. She has that rare blend of tough honesty and motivating encouragement that has helped me recognise weaknesses in my writing without ever feeling discouraged by her criticism, skilfully pointing out any faulty characterisation, flaccid phrasing or limp plot lines. She will always be the first editor I’ll turn to with my first draft.’

— Les Hinton, journalist and author


‘Anna is a highly proficient and qualified editor with whom I look forward to working again on my projects. Having Anna by my side during the final stage of my book Trickless Beauty was the best scenario for me as a new author with a need for a pre-submission edit. I can definitely state that Anna is a helpful expert consultant with an extraordinary blend of skills she shares with her clients.’

Maria Rotger Fuster, author and owner of signewords


‘Anna is a wonderful editor who I highly recommend. Her assessment of my psychological thriller highlighted areas that required attention and her insight and expertise meant the story and characters are now exactly as I intended them to be. She's a delight to work with and I am very grateful to her for being so positive and supportive of my project.’

Hélene Fermont, author


‘Anna understood what we were all about from the outset and she was very quickly able to sharpen our proposition and ensure we communicated our ideas successfully. She was always insightful and incredibly supportive.’

James Reeves and Gabrielle Brown, The Book of Rest


‘Anna is an exceptional editor, and I couldn't recommend her services highly enough. Her editorial assessment was smart, thorough, and genuinely insightful, providing me with a clear direction for the next draft of my book. She gave superb notes across the board: character development, narrative structure, making sure the mechanics beneath the story held up, and much more. Her careful read and thoughtful critique was definitely well worth the investment! I'm looking forward to collaborating again in the future.’

— John Donnally, writer


‘I cannot recommend Anna highly enough! I worked with her on my debut novel, and her wealth of experience and eye for detail really helped me tell my story to the best of my ability. I was absolutely thrilled when she asked if I’d be interested in her mentoring service, because I love working with her. We are now halfway through my second novel, and I really look forward to our monthly meetings. Her feedback is always helpful, constructive, and leaves me feeling inspired and eager to write more. If you ever get the chance to work with her, don’t hesitate for one moment.’ 

— Evelyn Scott, mentee


‘Anna’s brilliant editing skills have made a huge difference to how I work. I highly recommend her to any writer seeking honest, detailed and thoughtful advice. She is incredibly thorough, and her dedication and experience are second to none. One of the best things about working with Anna is how encouraging and supportive she is – she enabled me to see my work more clearly, and to improve the structure and suspense of my manuscript, while all the time cheering me on. She is a great motivator as well as a gifted editor, and I really can’t wait to work with her again.’

— Kath Raymond Hinton, writer and consultant


‘Professional, objective and smart, Anna was wonderful to work with. Her insights were truly valuable as they helped evolve my work to the next level. Her observations were smart and her comments were not only precise but flexible too. She raised interesting questions and doubts about the plot, which forced me to think beyond my realm of thoughts. She was also patient and sensitive towards my counter viewpoints and queries, especially the queries, which she made sure were addressed end to end. Another aspect about her, which delighted me, was the fact that her remarks were always with reasons, as such they enabled me to understand them better and take the correct decisions regarding them.’

— Manraj Jubal, writer


‘I am so happy to have reached out to Anna near completion of my debut narrative nonfiction book! Anna is not only experienced, but a joy to work with. She was timely, thorough and her feedback helped tremendously. She also helped me prepare my agent package prior to applying to agencies and I could not have done it without her. I cannot recommend Anna enough!’

— Jasmine K. Randhawa, writer


‘I would like to thank my delightful and ever-positive (former) agent Anna at Madeleine Milburn, who saw potential in my proposal and helped me bring it to the attention of those who could help me transform it into something more than a treasured scrapbook.’

— Nicola Sutcliff, Queens of the Kingdom: The Women of Saudi Arabia Speak


‘Holdtight Anna and the team at Madeleine Milburn for spotting us and giving us the amazing chance to do this book.’

Joe Moruzzi, Pleesecakes: 60 awesome no-bake cheesecake recipes


‘I had the pleasure of first meeting Anna in the summer of 2021 when she was offering one-to-one consultations via Jericho Writers, a professional platform in the UK that helps aspiring writers. Impressed by her enthusiasm and insight, I went on to commission Anna for a full manuscript assessment. Her feedback was both considered and constructive, allowing me to confirm the areas I needed to further develop and giving me the confidence to continue with my writing projects.

‘A professional writer myself, working in corporate communications and thought leadership, Anna was able to flag up in her report areas of novel writing that were new and experimental to me, giving me concrete ideas on how to fine-tune areas such as plot and pace. I would thoroughly recommend her to anyone starting out on a novel-writing path.’

— Louise Gibbons, writer