Book editing

You have finished your manuscript – or part of one – but where to go now? Perhaps you feel like it’s missing something that you can’t quite put your finger on. You might be interested in how the pace is working, whether the characters are relatable or how much commercial potential your project has. Traditional editing can be an invaluable help.

‘Anna is such a pleasure to work with – she writes thoughtful, detailed, extremely accessible editorial notes that immediately get to the heart of a book, and she simply seems to “get” whatever the author’s intentions are and to instinctively understand how to work with them in a really productive, collaborative way to make the work the best it can be.’

— Emily Kitchin, Editorial Director, HQ, HarperCollinsPublishers

Editorial assessment

A valuable first assessment of your manuscript

Where you might be finding yourself:

  • You have finished a book – or part of one – and want honest, professional advice on how it is working (adult fiction or non-fiction)

  • You want to get published, and you would like practical feedback to help you get there

  • If you are self-publishing, you want the book to be professionally edited from a story perspective first

  • You want to improve the execution of your work and are open to making big-picture changes

What an editorial assessment looks like:

  • I will read the work in full and work up a set of in-depth, overarching notes for you, concerning elements such as plot, theme, characterisation and pace as well as miscellaneous points

  • The report will be honest and practical, offering ideas and solutions to help bring out the best in your work

  • If you have particular questions or concerns, you can share these with me ahead of time and I will make sure to incorporate them into the notes

  • For those looking to publish traditionally, I can give advice as part of this package as to whether your work might be ready for querying agents

What an editorial assessment offers:

  • A dedicated report of a minimum of 2,500 words (30k and up; shorter pieces may get shorter reports)

  • A clear overview of your project and its strengths, weakness and marketability

  • Professional advice on how to improve your story

  • Ideas for next steps, including insight into the publishing process

  • A respectful approach to editing, mindful of the intentions of your project and its early stage in the drafting process

  • Follow-up questions for clarity on the report are included; re-reads are not included in the price


  • Price dependent on word count and style. Please get in touch for a quote

‘For a long time now, Anna has been my editorial lighthouse. She guides me, she spots dangers, and she gives me light and hope. (Which is great, especially when everything can seem really dark!) I trust Anna more than I trust anyone else with my books.’

— Holly McCulloch, rom-com author

Developmental editing

A closer, structural edit at line level

Where you might be finding yourself:

  • You have a near-to-finished draft of your book (adult fiction or non-fiction)

  • You want to make sure your book fits together seamlessly, from a line level to overall content and themes

  • You would like to know exactly where bigger changes should be made: cuts, additions, restructuring, rewriting and editorial comments embedded into the text

  • You aim to publish your work, and you want it to be as strong as it can possibly be

What an editorial assessment looks like:

  • Developmental editing is a closer edit, looking at your book line by line

  • I will read the work in full and then work my edits through with Tracked Changes and comments, so you can see exactly where each editorial point lies

  • Every paragraph is looked at closely, always mindful of the bigger picture – while comments stay closer to the set prose than in an editorial assessment, wider amends can still be suggested

  • This is the most time-intensive service I offer so availability is limited; however for the right project, the result can be transformative

What an editorial assessment offers:

  • A marked-up manuscript using Tracked Changes

  • Careful attention on each page of your book

  • While a developmental edit can result in thousands of amends throughout a manuscript, the overall editorial feedback is kept clear and action-oriented

  • A respectful approach to editing, mindful of your story’s intentions and authenticity

  • Follow-up questions for clarity on the report are included


  • Price dependent on word count and style. Please get in touch for a quote

  • Please note: developmental editing is currently only open to existing clients

‘Anna’s industry expertise is second to none and her edits are invigorating and incisive. She has endless suggestions for plot and character development that took my book to a whole new level and most of all she gave me the confidence and self-belief to make it as good as it could be.’

— Katie Marsh, bestselling author