
Writing can feel like a lonely process full of self-doubt, and the publishing industry is only known by a few. If you’d like someone there guiding you, one-on-one, in the early stages of developing your book then the mentoring programme is designed for you.

‘After completing the mentorship program, I can wholeheartedly say that it exceeded all my expectations and more. Every session was packed with practical advice, leaving me brimming with confidence and fresh insights. I can’t believe how much my manuscript has improved. Anna is truly a dream mentor who genuinely cares about my story and success. I am deeply grateful for her help.’

— Liselotte Doorduijn, mentee

The programme

Collaborative sessions to help develop ideas

Where you might be finding yourself:

  • You are a writer and want nothing more than to write (adult fiction or non-fiction)

  • You have the spark of an idea but are struggling to get your project off the ground

  • You have many ideas, but find it hard to complete an entire book

  • You feel creatively blocked but know your story’s in there somewhere and would like specific guidance as to bringing it out

  • Your work isn’t quite coming to life and you’d like to infuse it with fresh energy and ideas

  • Very likely you are an avid reader and/or an expert in your field, but want to make sure you are approaching your project in an engaging and relevant way

  • You want to write the best book you possibly can

What the mentorship looks like:

  • We’ll work together over the course of 4 months to develop roughly half (40,000 words) or all (80,000 words) of a conventional manuscript, depending on the stage you are at and the package you pick

  • Each month, I’ll read an agreed amount of prose and/or overviews and ideas, which you’ll send me ahead of our session

  • We’ll get together shortly after this to discuss these excerpts and any questions arising from them for 90 minutes over Zoom; this includes bigger-picture consideration as well as editorial comments on the prose

  • Throughout the mentorship time we’ll look at your goals and intentions, the themes you are exploring and the project’s place in the market today

What the mentorship offers:

  • One-to-one sessions with an individual focus on you and your work

  • Worksheets to help you develop your pitch

  • Practical, honest advice on your writing, with a hands-on and creative approach

  • Insights into the publishing industry, to equip you with industry know-how and confidence when it comes to navigating the process – be it approaching literary agents or getting ready to self-publish your work


  • See below for available options. Please get in touch for prices and available dates

Mentoring (40k)

10,000 words looked at once a month, over the course of 4 months, getting you roughly halfway through a conventional manuscript. Perfect for those just starting, for people deciding between projects, and for anyone struggling more with the opening of their book.

Mentoring (80k)

20,000 words looked at once a month, over the course of 4 months, getting you roughly all the way through a conventional draft. Ideal for those who have already written their manuscript but are looking to work on it substantially to help bring the project to life.

One-off sessions

Build your own mentorship with one-off sessions, looking at either 10,000 or 20,000 words at a time. Can include sessions dedicated to getting submission materials ready for agents. Add-ons available within mentorships and for new clients.

‘After several sessions with Anna and a subsequent revision to the manuscript, my book went on to be long-listed in two international competitions, something which would never have happened without her advice and guidance.’

— N L Whyte, mentee