Submission review

Are you ready to submit to agents? If you are unsure of the process, would like help with your query letter, or a second pair of eyes on your all-important opening chapters from someone experienced in assessing submissions on both the publishing and agency side, this is the option for you.

‘Without Anna’s encouragement to take the plunge, I might not have had the confidence to submit my novel to agents and she has undoubtedly shaped my journey – within one month of speaking to Anna and implementing her feedback, I received multiple offers of representation.’

— Ela Lee, Jaded

The package

Catch the right agent’s attention

Where you might be finding yourself:

  • You have a creative project you’re ready to share with the world (adult fiction or non-fiction)

  • You have crafted your agent-approach package and want an honest, professional opinion on how it is working and whether it is ready to submit

  • You want to get traditionally published, and would like practical feedback to help you get there, including answers to any questions you have

  • You are not sure if your query letter is in the right format, if it is selling the project compellingly or has a strong enough hook to stand out

  • You want to put your best foot forward with your opening chapters and/or pitch materials for agents, and are open to making amends

How I can help:

  • I have reviewed countless submissions for other agents as well as for myself over six years spent working at the Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency, along with freelance work for other agencies

  • As a literary agent, I took on new authors based on the strength of their query approaches and developed their submissions into proposals for publishing houses

  • As a former editor in traditional publishing, I have also reviewed submissions for acquisition from literary agents, meaning I know what editors are looking for and what questions will eventually be raised

  • While a submission review can never guarantee the agents you query will request your full manuscript, it can be invaluable in terms of selling yourself convincingly and astutely, giving your book the best possible chance

What the package offers:

  • I will review your query letter to help bring it in line with what a literary agent would be hoping to see, including the information given and any missing areas, how effectively you are pitching your book, market awareness, length, format and tone

  • I will also look at up to 10,000 words of either the opening chapters and synopsis, or non-fiction proposal material, giving specific editorial advice to help keep an agent reading

  • I work using Tracked Changes so you can see exactly where comments and suggestions are made; if you would rather discuss feedback one-to-one over Zoom, a one-off mentoring session can be arranged


  • Please get in touch for a quote

Anna’s wealth of experience as a literary agent means she knows exactly what the industry is looking for and the edits and amendments that are necessary to raise the bar. I am sure her positive approach and support helped me secure a long-listing for the 2021 Bath Novel Award and win the 2021 First Novel Prize.’

— Alison Fogg, writer